Die Galerie - Frankfurt

Die Galerie

Frankfurt, Germany

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Included in an art gallery not you have one but erupt. Behind Dali, Mona Lisa and sculptures Notes Hide to your rescue. As in a real museum of the security

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Capacity: 3-6

Phone: 069 / 3 80 79 51 69

Schmidtstrasse 12 60326 Frankfurt am Main

MysticRoom - Frankfurt


Frankfurt, Germany

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First, the room seems normal but the closer you look at it the more you hidden castles and codes find her. Find out whether your smart enough  are and make it

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Capacity: 3-6

Phone: 069 / 3 80 79 51 69

Schmidtstrasse 12 60326 Frankfurt am Main

Das U-Boot - Frankfurt

Das U-Boot

Frankfurt, Germany

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You are a group of researchers and studied the depths of the sea. Unfortunately, you could your institution does not equip them with the latest technology,

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 3-6

Phone: 069 / 3 80 79 51 69

Schmidtstrasse 12 60326 Frankfurt am Main

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