Das U-Boot - Frankfurt

Room Escape Frankfurt

Das U-Boot

Frankfurt, Germany

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You are a group of researchers and studied the depths of the sea. Unfortunately, you could your institution does not equip them with the latest technology,

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Capacity: 3-6

Phone: 069 / 3 80 79 51 69

Schmidtstrasse 12 60326 Frankfurt am Main

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3 Player: 81 EUR
27 EUR / Player
4 Player: 88 EUR
22 EUR / Player
5 Player: 100 EUR
20 EUR / Player
6 Player: 102 EUR
17 EUR / Player

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ecause not enough
Funding are available. You get a little in the older submarine, which here and there indeed already has a few rust spots, but does the job on the whole. But suddenly falls from your oxygen generator! Can you manage to start the generator again before the air is too thin? For 3 to 6 players.
