Portlandia - Portland


Portland, United States

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Whether you call it Rip City, Stumptown, The City of Roses, or just PDX, our Portlandia room will have you loving all that Keeps Portland Weird! But don’t get

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Capacity: 2-10

Phone: 503 208 73 53

2636 NW 26th Ave. Suite 2

Prison Break - Portland

Prison Break

Portland, United States

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Yeah, you are guilty but you don’t want to stay locked up in jail forever! There is a mastermind behind the planning of a huge escape from the prison but you

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 503 208 73 53

2636 NW 26th Ave. Suite 2

Sherlock's Secret - Portland

Sherlock's Secret

Portland, United States

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You’ve been called in to help an infamous but now kidnapped detective and his assistant, a Mr. Watson, has asked for your assistance in recovering a missing

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 503 208 73 53

2636 NW 26th Ave. Suite 2

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