Laboratory of Biohazard - New York

Laboratory of Biohazard

New York, United States

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New York Police Department just obtained information that Dr. Snake has a secret laboratory in the sewage system of the city. Dr. Snake has been developing a

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: (212) 631-7876

325 W 38th St Store 2

Penitentiary - New York


New York, United States

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Saint Temple Prison is one of the most infamous military prisons in history. People called it NOESCAPE. A serial killer “Night Stalker”, who sentenced to de

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Capacity: 6-12

Phone: (212) 631-7876

325 W 38th St Store 2

Room X - New York

Room X

New York, United States

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Suddenly, you wake up at midnight, trapped in the space warps. The space seems to be inter-crossed by two different rooms in different times. There must be a

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Capacity: 4-10

Phone: (212) 631-7876

325 W 38th St Store 2

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