The Apartment - Houston

The Apartment

Houston, United States

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You are trapped in what feels like your typical apartment: small, intimate and full of roommates (your fellow puzzlers). You usually just feel trapped inside

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Capacity: 2-12

Phone: 832-786-8822

3303 Louisiana St #220

Mission Controll - Houston

Mission Controll

Houston, United States

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In one of the most amazing escape rooms in the world, you enter mission control and are tasked with a lunar landing. This room really puts you right in the

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Capacity: 2-10

Phone: 832-786-8822

3303 Louisiana St #220

The Rec Room - Houston

The Rec Room

Houston, United States

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Everybody wants to get out of the 80’s. Now with the help of 7 others you can really “Escape the 80’s”. The only problem is you only have 60 minutes o

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 832-786-8822

3303 Louisiana St #220

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