Lock and Room - Ankara

Lock and Room

Lock and Room

Ankara, Turkey

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 0(545) 979 24 39

Esat (Akay) Cad.15/16 Çankaya

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2 Player: 80 TRY
40 TRY / Player
3 Player: 100 TRY
33 TRY / Player
4 Player: 120 TRY
30 TRY / Player
5 Player: 125 TRY
25 TRY / Player

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613 200 Average number one and counting so far even it takes about 341 hours. If you say that one of them talibiz.vücu cool bloody mold secrete adrenaline I can think logically here. All you do is look around carefully to find the right clues. 1 hour there and concentrate on finishing the work.