TheRoom - Zilina



Zilina, Slovakia

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Welcome to The Room, a unique game that test your skills, logical thinking, improvisation, and stress resistance. Be close to the mysterious room from which you...

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 421 948 611 394

Mydlárska 185, 010 01 Žilina

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39 EUR

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Welcome to The Room, a unique game that test your skills, logical thinking, improvisation, and stress resistance. Be close to the mysterious room from which you can only get if all the keys. But be careful! To escape you have only 70 minutes. The way out is through solving various tasks, puzzles, obtaining the codes and the number of locks. You can find them anywhere in the room. If you want to make your escape succeeded, you must rely on intelligence, ability and teamwork. Invite friends and colleagues, The Room is the perfect place for a tímbildingy.