Unlock Games - Lisbon

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Lisbon, Portugal

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The Hospital of All Saints collapsed in the earthquake of 1755. In the same place, on the ruins emerged a market which led later to the current Praça da Figueira....

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Capacity: 2-7

Phone: 918 723 055

Praça da Figueira, nº11. Lisboa, 1100-241

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50 EUR

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The Hospital of All Saints collapsed in the earthquake of 1755. In the same place, on the ruins emerged a market which led later to the current Praça da Figueira. In this central area of downtown Lisbon, constant bustle, time does not stop, or does it stop? Herr Zeit, famous German archaeologist, was last seen in Figueira Square to enter the number 11. He went up to the second floor and never came back out. Mr. Nunes, rich successful merchant, disappeared from one day to the other. They say they went to America ... Really?