Team Trapped - Venlo

Team Trapped

Team Trapped

Venlo, Netherlands

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Team Trapped is the first real-life escape challenge in the city of Venlo in the Netherlands. Trapped in a historic room with only one hour on the clock you are...

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Capacity: 2-6



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 have what it takes to lift the room?s secret? We are eager on opening our doors to the first opportunists second half of 2015. At the moment we are in full preparation to ensure our visitors an unforgettable experience. Keep an eye on this page for updates and further details about the development of the first escape challenge in Venlo.


Yesterday an unknown male died in the van Gogh Mental Institution. Shortly before dying he confessed he was born in the 19th century. First autopsy revealed the person in question was indeed of extraordinary age.

For years the man had not spoken, though his last words were very clear. He claimed to be a former member of a group of highly intelligent people that had been on the verge of a discovery, that would have shaken the earth to its foundations.
In his final statement he mentioned:Where could this Gold Tiger be, without eyes he cannot see. What is hidden from the street, will make your life complete.unknown maleEver since, countless adventurers are desperately looking for this so-called great discovery. Will you join these fortune seekers following the call of a departed lunatic? Who knows what truth hides behind the insanity of his words?