S.O.Scape Zeewolde - Zeewolde

S.O.Scape Zeewolde

S.O.Scape Zeewolde

Zeewolde, Netherlands

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Escaping a room (surprisingly furnished) room in which you and your team are closed. 
The goal is to find the key within 60 minutes so that the door is...

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Capacity: 8

Phone: +31 6 10958031

Dasselaarweg 18, 3896 LT Zeewolde,

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105 EUR

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The club will be closed and you start looking. The keys and clues may be hidden. 
We need to crack codes, collaboration and manages to combine all the data. 
"This chest rattling, what is it? ... And how do I get it ?!" 
Meanwhile, the clock is ticking back and increases stress. Time goes by so fast, and it looks like it has not come any closer! 
If all instructions well combined, suddenly everything will fall into place and the door can be opened 
60 minutes past the time; Are you outside or not you ?? !!


If you look well turn out to walk around in the new " pancake " uninvited guests! At least 15 mice running through the dining room and in the kitchen! And this while today Inspector Hygiene is checked . The chefs are panicking ! Mice in your restaurant means you have to close the case ! How do the 'chefs' these pests out the door before INSPECTOR at the door ? Help them to collect all the mice and then open on time the door !

Gorgeous! Through the door of escape room you step on the bottom of the ocean ! Everywhere you see huge fish , grow plants and there is an old ship wreck ...   Take the time to see everything , but remember that the clock is ticking . So go looking for clues to unlock the door. Would the great treasury that may have something to do with it? You get a scuba tank with it, but make sure you are above water in time before the oxygen runs out !   After receiving all players receive an appropriate outfit and creates a group , that we like to place on the site. Then, take a deep breath and dive it! The ocean offers a wealth of varied missions .