Logic Locks - Amsterdam

Logic Locks

Logic Locks

Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Logic Locks is a great experience for 3 to 6 people. Bring your friends or colleagues to form a team of bastard children of detective-archeologists; gather clues,...

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Capacity: 3-7

Phone: +31 (0)6 51 069 529

Ferdinand Huyckstraat, 1061 HW

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4 Player: 98 EUR
25 EUR / Player
5 Player: 108 EUR
22 EUR / Player
6 Player: 117 EUR
20 EUR / Player
7 Player: 137 EUR
20 EUR / Player
3 Player: 83 EUR
28 EUR / Player

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This escape room adventure is a great thrill for people that are playful, curious, and dare take on a challenge. Success can only be attained by working together. You will need all the brainpower to stay cool and profit from each other?s strengths while the clock is ticking! Think out of the box, or stay locked inside? Challenge your friends or colleagues for this mystery experience.


The descendents of explorer Elizabeth van Leeuwenhart have decided to open her old study chamber to the public, right here in Amsterdam. They are looking for a golden heart necklace of unimaginable value – the ‘Lionheart’. They give you the chance as hobby dectives and investigators to uncover the hidden history of Elizabeth van Leeuwenhart. Will you be the one that finally finds out what happened to the golden heart? Enter and find out! But take heed! It would be foolish to assume that her study chamber will give up it’s secrets easily…