Quest and Quest - Tel-Aviv

Quest and Quest

Quest and Quest

Tel-Aviv, Israel

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Looking for some fun-time with friends, families and colleagues? Something other than the usual? Quest&Quest is an unforgettable experience. If you are a person...

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 054-2809087

Derech Menachem Begin 25 (3rd floor), Tel Aviv

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2 Player: 240 ILS
120 ILS / Player
3 Player: 300 ILS
100 ILS / Player
4 Player: 360 ILS
90 ILS / Player
5 Player: 400 ILS
80 ILS / Player
6 Player: 450 ILS
75 ILS / Player

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Looking for some fun-time with friends, families and colleagues? Something other than the usual? Quest&Quest is an unforgettable experience. If you are a person who likes answering riddles, solving puzzles and looking for a challenge, this event is for you! The prize is the priceless moment when you finally find the solution and earn your freedom and escape the room.