It is a kind of quests we used to play as computer games, but now brought to the real world. It's all about solving different type of puzzles...
Thinking. Analizing. Our games are: - not dangerous - don't require special skills - don't require Hebrew or other language.
Dr. Kogan, chief scientist of the Laboratory LOCKED, developed in the 80s far the TESYS - AI world's first Hfonktziaonlit the purpose was to help delicacy Bmhkirim far-reaching field of brain research. Together with TESYS Dr. Kogan founded a special compound designed to test and explore the hidden limits of the human brain behavior. After the mysterious disappearance of the scientist, TESYS took over all of the complex systems and allows anyone to get to the heart of its system.
You selected the team. You must reach the super computer and reboot before he can identify you.
Secret Laboratory
They catcher laboratories secret facility in researching and manufacturing powerful and deadly weapons.
Dr. Kogan, leading researcher of our learn and grow in the Soviet Union and known lover of logic puzzles and weapons of mass destruction. Recently - Dr. Kogan suddenly disappeared.
Before his disappearance he worked on most deadly bomb until this moment we could not find the bomb dangerous. There is a high probability that she is in the office and can explode at any moment.
You selected the team. You need to find the bomb and defuse it.
Hurry! Not much time left!