Seven Keys To Escape - Racine

Seven Keys To Escape

Seven Keys To Escape

Racine, United States

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There have been a series of murders in your area, and several bodies have recently been found with missing organs.  As you're watching the nightly news,...

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Capacity: 2-6


606 College Ave

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29 USD

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..who looks identical to a woman you saw enter into your neighbor's house just a few days earlier.

Having watched one too many episodes of CSI, and clearly being more qualified than the police to catch a possible murderer,

you take it upon yourself to investigate.  You call a friend... or 5 (depending on how popular you are) and devise a plan to break into your neighbor's house to see if you can find any evidence against him.

Will you be able to work together to discover clues & escape before the suspected Serial Surgeon returns?

About the Room

There have been a series of murders in your area, and several bodies have recently been found with missing organs.  As you're watching the nightly news, they show a photo of a missing person who looks identical to a woman you saw enter into your neighbor's house just a few days earlier.


Having watched one too many episodes of CSI, and clearly being more qualified than the police to catch a possible murderer, you take it upon yourself to investigate.  You call a few friends and devise a plan to break into your neighbor's house to see if you can find any evidence against him.
Will you be able to work together to discover clues & escape before the suspected Serial Surgeon returns?