Paniq Room - Bratislava

Paniq Room

Paniq Room

Bratislava, Slovakia

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The team that tries to rescue the room must consist of a minimum of two and maximum of five members. Can join anyone, regardless of age or gender, and (under 14...

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 421 904 380 790

Hattalova 12 / B, 831 03 Bratislava, Szlovákia

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40 EUR

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The team that tries to rescue the room must consist of a minimum of two and maximum of five members. Can join anyone, regardless of age or gender, and (under 14 accompanied by an adult). Your task will be to tighten the mission to a successful conclusion and get out. How to? Step by step! First, find key that will unlock the box. In the box you will discover part of the puzzle, code, and at first glance things that are useless. But as time passes, most things have relevance and shows you the way out.