Lock’d Winterswijk - Winterswijk

Lock’d Winterswijk

Lock’d Winterswijk

Winterswijk, Netherlands

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Imagine yourself an hour in another (unpredictable) world and try to escape from: The Hangover. 


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Capacity: 7

Phone: 31 6 83566174

Weurden 78, 7101 NL Winterswijk

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120 EUR

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You wake up in a police cell with a huge hangover. You do not know what happened, but you know that someone is dead, and you're the prime suspect. But who are you actually own? And who is dead? By escaping from the cell, go back in time and get the chance to discover the truth and perhaps to prove your innocence. A nerve-wracking game where you do not know where you end up, and every second counts. Do you dare?!