Escape Room Locks&Keys; - Tilburg

Escape Room Locks&Keys;

Escape Room Locks&Keys;

Tilburg, Netherlands

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At Locks & Keys in Tilburg you can choose between two completely different escape rooms. In the Bank try to bypass our high-tech security systems to do as an...

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Capacity: 2-6

Phone: 06 - 31 55 57 44

Besterdring 225A

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2 Player: 50 EUR
25 EUR / Player
3 Player: 60 EUR
20 EUR / Player
4 Player: 70 EUR
18 EUR / Player
5 Player: 80 EUR
16 EUR / Player
6 Player: 90 EUR
15 EUR / Player

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The Bank

Does your team all the necessary skills to rob our bank successfully? Many have tried it. Many, however, have also failed. Our bank is packed with resources and is ready for your attack.

Play in a bank robbery

Glitter itself eespeel bankovervaln true Ocean's Eleven thriller by at Locks & Keys in Tilburg to rob a bank. "The Bank" is one of our two rooms where you can escape through playing games, solving problems and finding clues and keys can crack the code and with the loot can go off. But beware, our high-tech security is there for a reason: maybe save you is not within the specified time and is the police you a lifetime heels.

The Bank is not just a game. There is also a chance that you know how to open the safe and correct a genuine sum manages to steal. a real jackpot is in fact present in the Bank. The Jackpot is a part that fails to steal it continues on. The jackpot now stands at: