Escape Room Beekbergen - Beekbergen
Escape Room Beekbergen - Beekbergen

Escape Room Beekbergen

Escape Room Beekbergen

Beekbergen, Netherlands

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Freddy Heineken and Ab Doderer were totally disappeared three weeks of the earth. The whole country was in turmoil, and every day the Telegraph was full of new assumptions.

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Capacity: 4-8

Phone: 0577-401506

Wipselbergweg 30

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159 EUR

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Peter R. de Vries had this to his first big case and was announced in a blow to the general public.
The kidnapping is known for a lot of cash and coded messages. The instructions often came by newspaper advertisements mysterious descriptions. All ingredients for a perfect escape room, after all; where is the secret passage to the room where Freddy and Ab sit? You find out? Which team is the first to escape from this room? How smart is your team?