Wonderground - Budapest



Budapest, Hungary

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According to its name WonderGround is a place of wonders. Anything can happen here and if you are not cautious enough, they will happen... Within seconds you

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 06 20 586 8830

1078 Budapest, Murányi utca 50.

Email address




2 Player: 6 400 HUF
3 200 HUF / Player
3 Player: 8 100 HUF
2 700 HUF / Player
4 Player: 9 600 HUF
2 400 HUF / Player
5 Player: 11 000 HUF
2 200 HUF / Player
6 Player: 12 000 HUF
2 000 HUF / Player

Special Prices

There are no special offers this time
For further information regarding special offers please contact us at info@roomescape.com

might feel yourselves like Alice after tumbling down the rabbit hole: what should be inside is out and what should be up is down... ;)
