Labirintus - Budapest

Escape Zone


Budapest, Hungary

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According to Greek mythology Theseus, after defeating the human-bodied bull-headed beast, the Minotaur, he only needed to backtrack using a thread and he

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 36 30 692 6399

1065 Budapest, Dessewffy utca 25-27.

Email address




2 Player: 11 000 USD
5 500 USD / Player
3 Player: 11 000 USD
3 667 USD / Player
4 Player: 11 000 USD
2 750 USD / Player
5 Player: 11 000 USD
2 200 USD / Player
6 Player: 11 000 USD
1 833 USD / Player
7 Player: 11 000 USD
1 571 USD / Player
8 Player: 11 000 USD
1 375 USD / Player

Special Prices

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escaped from the labyrinth…
Though you don’t have to defeat any kind of beasts, the real game only starts when you escaped from the labyrinth…
It’s hard to decide who has the bigger challenge…  [:)]
After the labyrinth, you’ll have lots of more challenges to solve, but you only have 60 mintues…

If you you’ve got enough skill, you’ll be able to escape.

Our labyrinth stage doesn’t have any horror elements such as blood, so you won’t find anything scary here, unless the clock ticking backwards is…
