Vegas - Budapest



Budapest, Hungary

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Pályánkon Vegas poker world guides us to you. You relive the atmosphere of a real card room, while the various tasks of skill and logic puzzles are challengin

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 36309235739

1115 Budapest, Szováta utca 2./b.

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2 Player: 9 890 USD
4 945 USD / Player
3 Player: 9 890 USD
3 297 USD / Player
4 Player: 9 890 USD
2 473 USD / Player
5 Player: 9 890 USD
1 978 USD / Player

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and difficult the foot path to the room kijutásotokat.

To solve the puzzles and open the door for 60 minutes is available to you, which could perform in teams of 2-5 people.

This rooms is especially recommended for more experienced players. Not a disadvantage if you have already seen a similar game, but of course it is not a requirement.
