The Cold War Room - Sheffield

Crack The Code

The Cold War Room

Sheffield, United Kingdom

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You and your team are locked in a room and must work together to solve challenging puzzles, decode messages and unravel clues to achieve the mission objective a

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Capacity: 2-6

Phone: 7 444 165 714

10 Carver Street, Off Division Street, Sheffield, S. Yorks. S1 4FS

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2 Player: 40 GBP
20 GBP / Player
3 Player: 48 GBP
16 GBP / Player
4 Player: 60 GBP
15 GBP / Player
5 Player: 65 GBP
13 GBP / Player
6 Player: 72 GBP
12 GBP / Player

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you only have 60 minutes before the alarm sounds and you have failed. A great interactive fun activity for your group of friends, family or colleagues. If you?re tired of the same-old-same-old, and you want to experience something different, come see if you have what it takes to beat the room before the time runs out!


The year is 1973 and the cold war is in full flow, Soviet agent “Hudya Nickafilov” has intercepted a dossier containing the names of CIA operatives working behind the Iron curtain.
Fortunately Nickafilov has nipped out for his usual lunch of Vodka and potatoes and won’t be back for an hour…
Your teams’ mission, should you decide to accept it, is to enter the Russians office and decipher the clues to find the hidden file and save the American dream of “Liberty, Freedom and a McDonalds on every street corner”