Monroe's Detective Office - Manchester

Breakout Manchester (High Street)

Monroe's Detective Office

Manchester, United Kingdom

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​John Monroe was a famous detective. Sadly he was murdered in his office and you are being framed as his killer.

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 0161 2228765

36 High Street, Manchester, M4 1QB

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2 Player: 40 GBP
20 GBP / Player
3 Player: 54 GBP
18 GBP / Player
4 Player: 68 GBP
17 GBP / Player
5 Player: 80 GBP
16 GBP / Player

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 You are on the run and have gained access to his office, the crime scene, for one hour. Can you save yourself by finding out who killed him, why someone killed him and how they killed him?

* This game is located at Breakout High Street. This room is NOT the same game as The Detective Office at Breakout Town Hall.