Bunker 38 - Glasgow

Clue HQ

Bunker 38

Glasgow, United Kingdom

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You’ve been living in an underground bunker for years due to a radiation leak. Now you’ve been given the all clear, but you’re locked in and oxygen levels

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Capacity: 3-6

Phone: 1 414 180 717

124 Portman Street Kinning Park

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 running low! With only 60 minutes of breathable air left, will you be able to escape in time?

ite. Each room has their own theory and story which is explained to you on entry. 

After being locked in the room we put 60 minutes on the clock. You try to escape solving a set of puzzles, clues, finding keys as a team of up to 6 players. 

Will you get out in time?

Flashing lights may be used in this game and on screens. The use of a smoke machine is also used in the game. These may not be able to be switched off during the game therefore it is advised to contact us if any of your party are sensitive to flashing lights and smoke before booking.

<span border-box;="" vertical-align:="" baseline;="" font-family:="" inherit;="" font-weight:="" font-style:="" outline:="" 0px;="" padding:="" margin:="" border:="" color:="" rgb(209,="" 209,="" 209);"="">Flashing lights may be used in this game and on screens. The use of a smoke machine is also used in the game. These may not be able to be switched off during the game therefore it is advised to contact us if any of your party are sensitive to flashing lights and smoke before booking.
