Future Shock - Frankfurt

Escape Adventures

Future Shock

Frankfurt, Germany

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Your best friend has disappeared. He has beamed into the computer..

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Capacity: 2-6

Phone: 069 – 30 85 39 50

Hanauer Landstrasse 551, 60386

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2 Player: 74 EUR
37 EUR / Player
3 Player: 96 EUR
32 EUR / Player
4 Player: 116 EUR
29 EUR / Player
5 Player: 125 EUR
25 EUR / Player
6 Player: 132 EUR
22 EUR / Player

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and needs your help. Within an hour, you have to break all the codes, otherwise the computer hacked into the Pentagon and deletes the entire mankind.

Finds on your exciting search as many computer viruses. If your still solves the problem, you can watch so get the new high score!
