Raus! - Aachen
Raus! - Aachen



Aachen, Germany

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In brief, the first Escape Room in Aachen is open. We are working flat out to bring you the exciting live adventure in the imperial city.

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Capacity: 4-5


Vaalser Straße 13

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Discover Aachen’s first escape room! Being locked in a room with a bunch of people has never been this much fun.
RAUS! has been designed to set your senses tingling, get your brain working and bring your adrenaline up to full speed.
The German word raus means get out and that’s the aim of the game: you and your team will be locked in a room, and it is up to you to find your way out. However, you need to do so within the hour or else …. well, we’ll let you know what else when you get here.
RAUS! is great to play with friends, family, colleagues or even your date (adrenaline causes people to like you more, it’s true, it’s been researched! It’s not for kids, though, which is why we don’t allow anyone under 14 unless accompanied by an adult.RAUS! can be played in German and English with 2 to 6 people.
We are looking forward to your visit!
You’ll find more information about the room here.
Book the room here! You pay per room, not per person.
Come to us, we are located in Vaalser Str. 13. Here are some directions.

The room:

Aachen – last place of refuge

It has finally happened, the zombie apocalypse is upon us. 93% of the world’s population has been infected. Once infected, the senses and mind deteriorate; clear thinking and correct perception are the first things to go. After a while, all that is left is a mindless monster.

Aachen is one of the last safe havens. The town was sealed off at the start of the epidemic and no infected person has been allowed in. Now, the whole world wants to get into Aachen, and people seeking entrance have to be selected at the gate.