RoboRoom - Budapest



Budapest, Hungary

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The szabadulós games are popular all over the world, Budapest is the cradle of games played in Europe. Great adventures for small and mighty ones!

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 36706249858

1146 Budapest, Istvánmezei út 6

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9 900 HUF

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Team-building? Family recreation? Entertainment? Adrenalin bomb? Logical tasks? - Szabadulós the game all in one.
Scratch your head, enhancing the excitement and end up safe / all get out!

What makes the game Robot szabadulós Gazette Guru experiences?

We robotic experience.
The story of the tasks and the environment are all the robots is related. We are therefore particularly recommended for playful children and adults who are interested in science fiction and fantasy, the world of high tech, or even fanatical Star Wars fans. The task is completely non-violent, safe hozhatjátok the kids, our family program of salvation.