Hitchcock - Budapest

Paniq Szoba Lurdy


Budapest, Hungary

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In order to escape from our newest, fourth track you will need creativity and some acting skills besides logic and teamwork. You will have to shoot your

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Capacity: 4-15

Phone: 06 70 408 46 84

Lurdy-ház - Budapest, 1097. - Könyves Kálmán krt. 12-14

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2 990 HUF

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favourite horror movie scenes in order to escape the Reaper. 60 minutes and a real movie theatre, where the most terrifying horror movies turn into blood curdling reality. 

This track is perfect for a bigger team building as 15 people can play enter the creepy world of horror movies at the same time. And, the experience will last forever, as everybody gets the recorded movie scenes in email. Unless the movie theatre locks you in forever.