A Banki Meló - Budapest

Locked Escape Game

A Banki Meló

Budapest, Hungary

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A pure logical game! Your task is to infiltrate one of the employee’s flat first, and then you will have to break in through the backdoor into the bank’s

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 36 30 458 2905

Budapest, Király u.

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2 Player: 12 000 USD
6 000 USD / Player
3 Player: 12 000 USD
4 000 USD / Player
4 Player: 12 000 USD
3 000 USD / Player
5 Player: 12 000 USD
2 400 USD / Player

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security office! Through the mission the players will encounter with all kinds of smart riddles and many different crafty puzzles. What you will need is creativity, skills, brainwork, cooperation and swiftness. Do a break in into the bank! Let the bank robbing begin! From the age of 8 to 108!

The Bank Job game takes part in two main locations. The teams will have to get both the needed items and the important information which will help in the hacking process of the bank’s security system. In order to succeed, the players will need to solve various tasks by using the power of teamwork.

The game offers a pleasant environment for the teams. The story does not contain any violence, disturbing elements. It is suitable for team building, family activity and for children also!