A Pokolgép - Budapest

A Pokolgép

Budapest, Hungary

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After the Cold War, not all the secrets comes to light! A military leader’s office can provide a lot of mystery. Time is limited, since a devastating bomb

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Capacity: 2-15

Phone: 36203548778

Klauzál u 19, Budapest, Hungary, 1072

A Gyémántrablás - Budapest

A Gyémántrablás

Budapest, Hungary

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The biggest diamond in the world just arrived to the city, but before the public could admire it, a bank preserves it in its perfectly safe strong-room. You

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 36203548778

Klauzál u 19, Budapest, Hungary, 1072

A mátrix fogalyai - Budapest

A mátrix fogalyai

Budapest, Hungary

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The reality is not always the same as you think. From San Franciso’s alleys you have to get into the Matrix’s digital world before the computers take over t

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 36203548778

Klauzál u 19, Budapest, Hungary, 1072

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