Bunkergame! - Budapest



Budapest, Hungary

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A BUNKER a bomb, gas and splinter-proof shelter above ground, according to the knowledge built sometime between 1944 and the 48th It was built to be a 500kg

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Capacity: 2-7

Phone: 36 20 361 7246

Gyömrői út 89-91.

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6 400 HUF

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omb destroyer slam-inch stick. To do so, 270cm-inch walls, floor and socket needed. Engineering According to legend, if upsetting, even breaking up. 10000m³ of concrete and 2,000 tons of iron was built in the floor area of ​​452m², four-storey object that has its own power and water supply and air-filter cleaning system. 222 m2 per floor has a useful space, bringing the total space 888 m2. The building can accommodate 1,200 people.

In this building teljesítenetek be your mission in the contemporary facilities.

The available time available to you 100 minutes.
Never forget to get easier to avoid than the nearly 3-meter-thick walls are.

Time is only one of adversaries. Vigyáznotok be because he's hiding in the bunker traps.

we can not help but to protect our agents footsteps during the mission time.

After the game we expect a soft drinks and hot chocolate spiced with common recreation!
