Rhodes Mystery - Rhodes

Rhodes Mystery

Rhodes Mystery

Rhodes, Greece

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Organize yourselves in teams of 2 to 5 people and set out to solve the mystery of Rhodes.

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 302 241 034 660

Sofokleous 22

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2 Player: 40 EUR
20 EUR / Player
3 Player: 54 EUR
18 EUR / Player
4 Player: 50 EUR
13 EUR / Player
5 Player: 50 EUR
10 EUR / Player

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You and your team shall enter an escape room with a specially arranged setting, reflecting a genuine medieval ambience and will be allowed 60 minutes within which to release the diamond of the Grand Master as well as getting yourselves free! Nothing like terrifying, claustrophobic, macabre or muscle-challenging tricks in store: all that is expected of you is creativeness and imagination plus an ability to solve a riddle over a short period of time. Use the strength of your mind, not the stamina of your body!