The Vault - Sheffield

Crack The Code

The Vault

Sheffield, United Kingdom

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Rupert Montague, youngest and most troublesome son of Lord and Lady Montague has always had a reputation for debauchery..

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Capacity: 2-6

Phone: 7 444 165 714

10 Carver Street, Off Division Street, Sheffield, S. Yorks. S1 4FS

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2 Player: 40 GBP
20 GBP / Player
3 Player: 48 GBP
16 GBP / Player
4 Player: 60 GBP
15 GBP / Player
5 Player: 65 GBP
13 GBP / Player
6 Player: 72 GBP
12 GBP / Player

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..but this time his antics have gone too far.
His recklessness at the various gambling establishments that the city has to offer has left him
in fear of a dip in the Derwent reservoir wearing a concrete overcoat. 
To save his pampered, scrawny neck he has taken a tiara from the private safe of his mother Lady
Montague and passed it to the local crime lord as collateral against his increasing debts. 

You have been tasked with returning the priceless headwear to it's rightful owner... 

Can you work your way into the blackmarket stronghold and escape without leaving a trace?
