The Experiments - Blackpool

Clue HQ Blackpool

The Experiments

Blackpool, United Kingdom

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Capacity: 3-16

Phone: 1 253 767 279

Whyndyke Farm Preston New Road

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3 Player: 63 GBP
21 GBP / Player
4 Player: 76 GBP
19 GBP / Player
5 Player: 85 GBP
17 GBP / Player
6 Player: 90 GBP
15 GBP / Player
7 Player: 105 GBP
15 GBP / Player

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 Each room has their own theory and story which is explained to you on entry. 
After being locked in the room we put 60 minutes on the clock. You try to escape solving a set of puzzles, clues, finding keys as a team of up to 6 players. 

The Experiments

After being dismissed by the board of medical science for her unorthodox practices, Dr. Psik managed to procure a secluded allotment to continue her work. Under the guise of an increasingly popular ‘Escape Room’ she coerces test subjects to enter chambers to undergo her experiments. Test subjects began to expire from over exertion during the trials – but being as resourceful as she is, Dr. Psik has found a use for all those fresh cadavers. Now the dead live once more as a reminder that no-one can beat The Experiments.

Players 3 minimum, 16 maximum (8 per container)
Game Time 60 minutes
Escape Rate  
Additional Information  You will be blindfolded when taken into the game, won’t be blindfolded during the game. The Experiments can be played by 2 groups at the same time – each game is separate and do not interact with each other. If you cannot find the availability you would like please give us a call.
Accessibility Not accessible for wheelchair users
Health Flashing lights may be used in this game and on screens. These may not be able to be switched off during the game therefore it is advised to contact us if any of your party are sensitive to flashing lights before booking.
