Operation Deadlock - Edinburgh

Can You Escape

Operation Deadlock

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

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We require agents to enter his ho his safe as part of Operation Bald Eagle. The man is a genius, so we need a team who can release their inner

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Capacity: 3-10

Phone: 1 315 101 158

5 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8AE

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3 Player: 55 GBP
18 GBP / Player
4 Player: 60 GBP
15 GBP / Player
6 Player: 80 GBP
13 GBP / Player
7 Player: 90 GBP
13 GBP / Player
10 Player: 125 GBP
13 GBP / Player

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detective and solve the mystery so we can save the city!

You’ve never have heard of The Agency but they’ve heard of you. The Agency are a top secret organisation recruiting only the highest calibre undercover agents. Teams will have to crack a range of puzzles, clues and riddles set by The Agency and retrieve the briefcase. Your team will be given the opportunity to pit your skills against another hopeful team in order to see who can retrieve the suitcase the quickest. 

All aspiring recruits must pass the test and the Agency will be watching. Do you have what it takes to join?
