Madchaster - Manchester

Breakout Manchester


Manchester, United Kingdom

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​Zack is a passionate collector of anything Manchester related.

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 0161 8398012

14a Brazennose Street, Manchester M2 6LW

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2 Player: 54 GBP
27 GBP / Player
3 Player: 64 GBP
21 GBP / Player
4 Player: 74 GBP
19 GBP / Player
5 Player: 80 GBP
16 GBP / Player

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As a group of thieves, you wondered in his bedroom and find yourselves trapped. You have 60 minutes to steal Zack's valuable collectables and escape before he comes back.  

Please note: You do not need any prior knowledge of Manchester to play this room. This game is located at Breakout Brazennose Street, which is located next to the town hall.

DIFFICULTY     *****
