Instictive Escape Games - Mansfield

Instictive Escape Games

Instictive Escape Games

Mansfield, United Kingdom

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Our current Live Escape Game is called 'Bon Voyage' and is set in what appears to be, an everyday living room! Here's the scenario: You're all set...

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 1,623,635,255

3 Stockwell Gate

Email address




2 Player: 36 GBP
18 GBP / Player
3 Player: 45 GBP
15 GBP / Player
4 Player: 56 GBP
14 GBP / Player
5 Player: 65 GBP
13 GBP / Player

Special Prices

There are no special offers this time
For further information regarding special offers please contact us at ready and excited and everything is good to go... actually it even looks like you might be at the airport a good 1hr ahead of schedule!
A Few Years ago in a small district of the Ukraine there was a series of murders which were tied to one single person. Each of these murders had been carried out in a seemingly identical way. He would seduce them with a bit of story telling (a little like I'm doing with you now) and then ask them to play a special game with him... To which, of course,  they would always agree.
He would ask them to put a blindfold on so that the surprise of the game wasn't spoilt, and would then lead them into a room where they would be held for a period of time before slowly tourturing them and - finally- killing them. After his arrest, serveral sickening photo's were released of the tourture room showing the splats of blood which had been left and, worse still, the name of each of his victims written on the walls as a momento; using their own blood.
But anyway that's enough storytelling. Shall we play a game?
