Quarantined - Blackpool

Clue HQ Blackpool


Blackpool, United Kingdom

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Capacity: 3-6

Phone: 1 253 767 279

Whyndyke Farm Preston New Road

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3 Player: 63 GBP
21 GBP / Player
4 Player: 76 GBP
19 GBP / Player
5 Player: 85 GBP
17 GBP / Player
6 Player: 90 GBP
15 GBP / Player

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Each room has their own theory and story which is explained to you on entry. 


With the growing threat of a radiation leak due to the increase in nuclear power, the government seek a solution to radiation poisoning within humans. Deep within a high security facility, a group of scientists work to develop a vaccine to ensure immunity, but to run tests they need subjects. You regain consciousness to find yourself quarantined within the facility. You don’t know who got you here or how you got here but you know you need to escape before everything gets incinerated, including you!

Players 3 minimum*, 6 maximum
Game Time 60 minutes
Escape Rate  
Additional Information *This game requires teams being split into smaller teams of 3 so 4 or more people will be paired together. You will be blindfolded to take you into the game but only for a few minutes, you are not actually blindfolded during the game it is just to take you into the room. Blindfolds are optional but if not in use will spoil some of the mystery of the room. 
Accessibility Wheelchair accessible.
Health  Flashing lights may be used in this game and on screens. These may not be able to be switched off during the game therefore it is advised to contact us if any of your party are sensitive to flashing lights before booking. Not suitable for people who suffer claustrophobia.
