Enigma Escape - Toulouse

Enigma Escape

Enigma Escape

Toulouse, France

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Enigma Escape is a real-life room escape game or scale evasion game "inspired of escape games on computer, but transcribed in the real world, there's nothing...

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Capacity: 3-5

Phone: 05 31 98 30 41

34, Rue Bayard

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3 Player: 87 EUR
29 EUR / Player
4 Player: 88 EUR
22 EUR / Player
5 Player: 90 EUR
18 EUR / Player

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For further information regarding special offers please contact us at info@roomescape.com

Enigma Escape is a real-life room escape game or scale evasion game "inspired of escape games on computer, but transcribed in the real world, there's nothing virtual, you will experience the physical adventure locked in a real room. It exists all over the world who are very successful: from Tokyo to London via Sydney, Berlin and Paris.
