Escape Game Bretagne - Saint Brieuc de Mauron

Escape Game Bretagne

Escape Game Bretagne

Saint Brieuc de Mauron, France

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While you were visiting Lizio, it tells you that is in the Val Jouin, a strange laboratory belonging to Dr. Agon. The too strong curiosity, you have chosen to visit...

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Capacity: 3-5


GNome Prod – 19 rue de la quintaine

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2 Player: 26 EUR
13 EUR / Player
3 Player: 39 EUR
13 EUR / Player
4 Player: 52 EUR
13 EUR / Player
5 Player: 65 EUR
13 EUR / Player

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While you were visiting Lizio, it tells you that is in the Val Jouin, a strange laboratory belonging to Dr. Agon. The too strong curiosity, you have chosen to visit this strange building where piles up stills and old books. In the darkness, you enter a large room ... Suddenly the door slams and closes behind you. A mysterious machine starts up and counts down the minutes for a total time of one hour before ... "
