Enmaze - Stuttgart



Stuttgart, Germany

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The latest Recreational in the heart of Stuttgart. We offer you the chance to ask your mind to the test and still have lots of fun. A very special experience awaits...

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Capacity: 2-6

Phone: 0176 – 5678 3891

Weimarstr. 31

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99 EUR

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strong>Room 1: Tears of Gaia

Professor E. Nigma from Stuttgart has managed to bring the "Tears of Gaia" in his possession. ENMAZE has prepared for you the contact to his assistant. This offers to you gain access to the office of the professor in order to steal the elixir. However, you only have an hour, until the professor returns. Supposedly he has secured the vial with some mind-bending puzzles and secret mechanisms.

The legend:
Even the ancient Greeks told that a tear of Gaia, the mother and guardian of all life, a happiness and joy can become part and can prolong life. The legend also says Gaia have cried with happiness at the birth of Uranus and tears collected in a glass, so that it can remember this beautiful moment forever. One day, however, the vial disappeared without a trace from her chambers and was not seen again.

Room 2: The Mystery of the Maya

from April bookable ...

ENMAZE has heard rumors that a secret Maya Temple Chamber an ancient artifact to be hidden, through which one can control the time. Supposedly be provided with mystical mechanisms the chamber, which are based on the four elements. Through the influence of the artifact chamber but began to travel through space and time. The board therefore emerges at certain times in Stuttgart and can be accessed there remains only an hour before the chamber disappears.

The legend:
According to legend, the highest creator god Hunabku mortal Votan commissioned thus to build a temple to keep the artifact and protect it for all time. Votan then asked the gods of fire, water, earth and air for their help and built with their forces a chamber millennium