MysticRoom - Frankfurt

Room Escape Frankfurt


Frankfurt, Germany

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First, the room seems normal but the closer you look at it the more you hidden castles and codes find her. Find out whether your smart enough  are and make it

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Capacity: 3-6

Phone: 069 / 3 80 79 51 69

Schmidtstrasse 12 60326 Frankfurt am Main

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3 Player: 81 EUR
27 EUR / Player
4 Player: 88 EUR
22 EUR / Player
5 Player: 100 EUR
20 EUR / Player
6 Player: 102 EUR
17 EUR / Player

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out of the room within 60 minutes to escape. Time is short! For 3 to 6 players.

The live Escape fun now here in Frankfurt!
You are trapped with your friends in a room and do not know how you got there or can escape.

Solely your logical and creative thinking skills and communication in your team will help you to escape from your prison in tight 60 minutes. Room Escape is the real version of the popular adventure computer games "Escape the Room". The goal of this game is to escape within the time limit by using the objects in the room and your head from captivity. Room Escape, the Live Escape Game.

We bring you this fun adventure from your PC into reality. You and your friends are locked up in this room and you then an hour to solve all the puzzles and find the way out. This may sound easy but you will your team and different approaches need to be successful in the short time.
