Claustrophobia - Berlin


Berlin, Germany

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Escape rooms of Claustrophobia are a game in reality; however, this reality doesn’t look like our ordinary environment. You will be locked in the outer sp...

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Capacity: 2-4

Phone: 03055521400

Gunerstrasse 20, Shopping Center ALEXA, 3. OG

Museum of Contemporary Art - Berlin

Museum of Contemporary Art

Berlin, Germany

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To escape you'll need to look for clues, do puzzles and stay alert. This won't require book smarts, but instead mental agility and team play.

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Capacity: 2-4

Phone: 03055521400

Gunerstrasse 20, Shopping Center ALEXA, 3. OG

Vault 13 - Berlin

Vault 13

Berlin, Germany

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Lucky to survive the nuclear war in an underground shelter — Vault 13, you are the last of the human kind, dreaming of seeing sunlight once again.

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 2-4

Phone: 03055521400

Gunerstrasse 20, Shopping Center ALEXA, 3. OG

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